January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Cronos

IP: NMAP DNS Gives us admin.cronos.htb Edit /etc/hosts/ to include admin.cronos.htb Gives us login page we can log in with ' or 1=1;##". At the logged in page we can...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Irked

IP: NMAP BROWSER uid=1001(ircd) gid=1001(ircd) groups=1001(ircd) Create .ssh folder inside ircd home-folder and set chmod 700, then import my key to authorized_keys and chmod 600. Then use ssh...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Writer

NMAP Smb ports are open browser-ports are open Gobuster Finds sites like static and aministrative SQLMAP find username, hash and also reads files. Lets ut read source code and how the site source code looks like. <ip>/administrative...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Valentine

IP: NMAP Running msfconsole and heartbleed exploit. When inspecting request we see. In leaked data I found reference to "decode.php". Decoding the text from $text gave Running gobuster gave to websites,...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Networked

IP Nmap Run Gobuser we find links to /uploads and /backup. Inside the backup folder there is a compressed file that contains files on the server. We see the server contains the following files...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Postman

Port 1000 shows a webmin login-page. Need to edit hosts to include postman. By doing some googling around Redis we find an exploit at https://github.com/Ridter/redis-rce. This is a python-script that gives us a reverse shell. When run...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Blocky

IP NMAP We run gobuster and find a folder called /plugin and inside two .jar-files. When extracted with 7z e .jar-file we find the password 8YsqfCTnvxAUeduzjNSXe22 This works with...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Lame

IP: NMAP But it gives us nothing. We continue to enumerate and try the SMB-server. Get a hold of the SMB-server and the permissions. We discover that the tmp-folder is open for read/write and connect to it with: Inside the...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Bashed

IP NMAP Browser Gives a website that links to phpbash.php at github. It's a hint that it is deployed on the server. Run dirbuster and fuzz for directories and the file phpbash.php. Use the /{}/phpbash.php as query. The only...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Beep

IP NMAP Shows us a lot of open ports and searching the web-browsers points us to many web-sites. Run gobuster and we get some hits. Enumerating some of the folders we find services like freepbx at port 443, and...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Pit

IP: Nmap Snmp på port 161: snmpwalk -c public -v1 1 -On Check certificate at and it shows the hostname is dms-pit.htb. Add


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Seal

seal.htb IP Keywords: tomcat nginx burpsuite symlink NMAP Port 8080, 443 Accessing gives us login page. * create user and log in, look through commits and find old password and user enumerate...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Tabby

IP NMAP HOST This lists the file and we can read By trying different paths, we try to find the tomcat-user.xml file specified at the website. By trial and failure we can see that...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Delivery

mysql, grep, hashcat, rules, email IP NMAP BROWSER found a website that contained link to http://helpdesk.delivery.htb/ and delivery.htb. Add this to /etc/hosts with


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Admirer

IP NMAP BROWSER Checking the /robots.txt mentioned in NMAP leads us to the directory admin-dir. Running gobuster against the directory leads to two files contacts.txt and...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Scriptkiddie

Keywords: metasploit, command injection IP: Go to web-browser The web-site is some numorous script/msftools. After some enumeration we find that the msfvenom box is exploitable with android apk...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Knife

Keywords: CVE, ssh So this is a short version written some time after I finished the machine. To sum it up the basic enumeration with nmap, gobuster and so on didn't show that much usefull. Also the webiste at...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Traverxec

IP NMAP Visiting in the brower we can enumerate a bit, and after trying to spoof the links we get to an 404/error-message that specifies the web-service nostromo 1.9.6. Searching on google nostromo...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Nibbler

IP NMAP Shows port 22 and 80 open. Checking the webpage shows nothing. In the comments of the source-code it hints towards nibbleblog-folder. Checking the files it shows us admin@nibbles.com and user admin. With...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Mirai

IP HOST NMAP BROWSER When accessing we get a file calles versions to download. The file contains ,v3.1.4,v3.1,v2.10. By googling the versions and lighttpd we find...


January 30, 2022

HackTheBox - Shocker

IP: Website shows nothing special and no links. Run dirbuster with .sh -extension and find /cgi-bin/user.sh. Check shellshock with: This shows us that we have RCE (Remote Code Execution) We set up a listener in our...


June 23, 2021

RSA and Python

RSA is a cryptographic method. It is based on prime numbers and have a way to construct those primes in to values which is used later on in the encryption/decryption-process. The following is my notes regarding RSA-basics in a CTF (capture the...


May 7, 2021

Tinkering with pwntools

Hello World! So during the last month I have been practising my Python skills by doing CTF's. During the easter I had a go at the CTF hosted by the Norwegian Police Security Service, and came in contact with other persons with an interests for CTF's....


March 19, 2021

Just a basic script

Today I watched a YouTube-video from The Cyber Mentor (link below) about creating a simple bash script in order to perform some website enumeration. Some hours later I was working with a machine at HackTheBox and it occured to me. Whenever I take a go...


March 15, 2021

The pentester blueprint

By Phillip L. Wylie and Kim Crawley I have been thinking for a while now, about what should be my next step in order to learn more about pentesting. Last year (2020) I was thinking about the OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional) -...


March 15, 2021

Python course

A few toughts about Python! My experience with Python is not that long and I've tried to learn it before. I feel like I have controll of the basics but when it gets more advanced it gets more complicated. I really enjoy coding with Python and I want to...


July 22, 2021

VIM text editor

General use of VIM So I've decided to move on from nano as my text-editor and over to VIM. I've used it for some weeks now and can already see the benefits of using VIM. One of the struggles in the...


July 7, 2021

gdb - writeup

I think the flag might be decrypted and left in memory. Maybe a debugger will help? Check out the CTF @ ForeverCTF Open file in Ghidra. Change name on the values. Find out what we know for...
