Just a basic script

Morten Hansen • March 19, 2021

Just a basic script

Today I watched a YouTube-video from The Cyber Mentor (link below) about creating a simple bash script in order to perform some website enumeration. Some hours later I was working with a machine at HackTheBox and it occured to me.

Whenever I take a go at a new machine, I always create the same folders. How about I create a script that would do it for me? I gave it a go and ended up with something like this.


    if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
        echo "Usage: ./makdir.sh <machine name>"
        echo "Example: ./makdir.sh easyLinux"
        echo "Only takes one argument"
        exit 1

    if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
        mkdir $1
        mkdir $1/NMAP
        mkdir $1/enum
        mkdir $1/nikto
        mkdir $1/CVE
        mkdir $1/search
        mkdir $1/notes

        echo "Directory structure created!"
        echo "Goodbye..."

        echo "Error: Directory exsists"
        echo "Try another name or delete existing directory (check the content of the folder before deleting)"

The script takes one argument and produces a folder with the same name, before it produces the subfolders I have put in the code.

I have not written that many scripts in bash so it was a result of trial and error. At the end I managed to create something useful and time-saving. I tought it was a cool and practical way to implement some new learning.

Link to the YouTube video: The Cyber Mentor

Best regards