May 7, 2021
Tinkering with pwntools
Hello World! So during the last month I have been practising my Python skills by doing CTF's. During the easter I had a go at the CTF hosted by the Norwegian Police Security Service, and came in...
ReadMarch 19, 2021
Just a basic script
Today I watched a YouTube-video from The Cyber Mentor (link below) about creating a simple bash script in order to perform some website enumeration. Some hours later I was working with a machine at...
ReadMarch 15, 2021
The pentester blueprint
By Phillip L. Wylie and Kim Crawley I have been thinking for a while now, about what should be my next step in order to learn more about pentesting. Last year (2020) I was thinking about the...
ReadMarch 15, 2021
Python course
A few toughts about Python! My experience with Python is not that long and I've tried to learn it before. I feel like I have controll of the basics but when it gets more advanced it gets more...